Follow Through/Leaders Chart

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My Latest Creation: The IBD 100 Heat Map


Read a couple books by John Boik last week; "Monster Stocks" and "How Legendary Traders Made Millions". A reoccurring theme was following the action of leading stocks. Jesse Livermore, Jack Bernard Baruch started this in the 1900's and O'Neil has carried this on. This inspired me to create a heat map of the IBD 100. This is a 20 week price chart. Colorings show a stocks price relative to new high, 50 and 200 day lines. Blue is good and red bad. Today's map is looking pretty good, and with the NAS up 2% on good volume, IBD may just call today a Follow Through!!

1 comment:

harsh said...

how did you generate your
is it automated ?