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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

January Report – New year, old action

New year, same old wild action. Holdings in SPY (SPDR S&P 500 ETF), QQQQ (Powershares QQQ Trust), and DIG (Proshrs Ultra Oil & Gas) are swinging from profit to break even. The market is in a tug-a-war as bulls and bears are still uncertain about their convictions. On the one hand, investors are returning after missing out on last year's gains, BUT; news of high unemployment, bank closures, national debt, and mortgage defaults continue to be a drag,  BUT; the rally of 2009, spurred by a $2 trillion plus injection of government "Red Bull", has brought some stability back to the economy, BUT; the government will ease off and the "Red Bull" effect will wind down, allowing a new economic cycle, "the New Normal", to birth painfully. All this uncertainty makes for a tough, risky investment environment. This is why, in addition to Gil Morales's newsletter, investment ideas will be tracked from Henry Ford's ETF Bully system and Fred Adrich's Strategic Investing newsletter. Henry uses a mechanical system to analyze the tick by tick transactions of the exchanges. It's a microscopic method of identifying true and stealth accumulation and distribution. Henry's SPY model gained 187% in 2009. A telescopic view will come from Fred, a 50 year wall street vet who turns the news of the day into actionable ideas, and the "street sense" of knowing institutional "must buys". Fred's Agressive portfolio gained 20.7% in 2009.

As a tech junkie and former Microsoft employee, I look forward to January with the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas and Apple's annual conference. As the dust as settled, I see AAPL (Apple Inc), NFLX (Netflix Inc), and MSFT (Microsoft Corp) as the tech companies to watch for this year. Netflix hit a record high on 1/26 after it beat Q4 estimates. No other company can compete with $8.95/month unlimited movies. This includes mailed DVDs and thousands of on demand movies and tv shows. These shows can be watched instantly on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 gaming consoles. The big news from CES is content availability on the Nintendo Wii and nearly every new Blu-ray player and new connected TV sold. While not as revolutionary as Steve Job's may state, the Apple iPad will be a hit. It is an oversized, and refined iphone and will ride of the coat tails of its success. The most revolutionary thing about the ipad is the price. It comes in at $499, half the cost of the lowest priced MacBook. This is the first Apple product to outprice a competing product, with Windows tablets starting at $1000. The iPad is essentially a new category of mobile device and will force Windows mobile manufacturers to catch up. So, be on the lookout for sub-$500 touch screen tablets with 10 hours of battery life. With the success of Windows 7, the best operating system in nearly a decade, and a new version of Office this year, Microsoft should do well this year. But the most exciting technology, and most likely the must have item for Christmas 2010, will be the new hands free controller for Xbox 360. It is the Wii on steriods. So instead of swinging around a wrist attached Wii remote, your entire body becomes a controller as a 3D camera captures movements for a whole new gaming experience.  The camera, code named "Project Natel", premiered during Microsoft's CES keynote speech (